first birthday fun once again!

Sadly, it has come time for me and my fellow mommy friends who had babies early this year or late last year to consider and plan a first birthday party. It’s the oldest cliche in the book, but time really really flies when you have a child. I don’t even...

and one more

Because it’s just too cute! (Click to enlarge)On the actual invite, the personal information is (obviously) different so it doesn’t looked so crammed in there. But how ADORABLE is little Madison in her little winter hat? I love...

first birthdays

I have often heard people say that they don’t understand the hype of a first birthday party. After all, the baby will not remember it and in the big scheme of things, does it truly matter if you have the perfect cake, decorations and invitations?In a word, yes....

a few of the latest

Lately I have been working away to try and get my website up and running (see link to the right, but you probably came from there so you know where it is). It feels great to finally have an official website and I love that when people search for cards on Google, my...