Jax would like to explain…

Why Mama hasn’t been as snappy as usual with emails and work…   Thank you all for your patience while I wade through the weeks of puke-my-face-off fun! I will be back to my speedy self before you can say baby! 🙂 (read more at my personal...

I’m back!

Back to business as usual! I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday and that you’re staying warm in these winter months! I do have quite a wait list now for blog designs with my next opening being February 8th, so get your name on my schedule today!!! 🙂...

Holiday “Hours”

Jumping Jax Designs will NOT be filling custom orders from Wednesday, December 22nd through Sunday, January 2nd. You’re welcome to get on my Blog Waitlist (next opening is on Jan. 25th) and I can fill orders for pre-made cards, but (for the first time ever)...

the latest:

I’m going to try to be better about posting updated blog designs as I install them, because waiting a few months in between then having about 50 to pick and choose from is tricky, and I love them all so they’re all worth sharing! Here are a few of my...

*cough cough*

Pardon the dust around here, please! It’s quite the construction zone here at JJD, but we’re working on a much more functional and user-friendly website! I’m so excited about it and I know it will be BEAUTIFUL once it’s completely up &...

Happy Birthday, Jumping Jax Designs!

That’s right, September marks my one year anniversary of starting this business! I’m amazed at how well it has done, and how wonderful my customers have been. This company would be nowhere without the word-of-mouth advertising and referrals, and I...